Starting Your Lease Right: How a Move-In Inspection Can Make Life Easier

Move in is here! And with that comes a lot of excitement and anticipation about getting settled in your new digs. But before you get too comfortable, we want to help you make sure everything is in good and working condition in your place and start your lease off on the right foot! 


That’s where your Move In Inspection comes in! By scheduling your inspection within 1-2 weeks of picking up your keys, we can help you identify any repairs that need to be made and answer any questions you might have about your place! Let’s get started. 


What is a Move In Inspection?

Put simply, the move in inspection is just a walk-through with one of our knowledgeable (and friendly!) maintenance staff members to make sure everything is ready to go for you in your new apartment! By scheduling this within 1-2 weeks of picking up your keys and moving in, you’ll have a little time to check out your space yourself, but also get things handled with maintenance right away! 


A move in inspection allows us to identify any issues or repairs, helping to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings about damages that might already be in your apartment from before you moved in! It also gives our team the chance to ensure necessary repairs are made first thing, so you can enjoy your new space right away. 


How Do I Schedule My Inspection?

Your first step is to schedule your move in inspection – the sooner you get it scheduled, the better! When thinking about scheduling the inspection, choose a date that’s about one or two weeks after you picked up your keys. Doing so at this time allows you to get used to your space and check everything out to see how it works. Please note that all inspections must be scheduled within that two-week timeframe. 


The best way to schedule your move in inspection is to give our office a call during business hours – our summer office hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. All inspections will be conducted within similar hours – Monday through Friday, starting at 9am and going no later than 3pm. Keep this in mind when looking at your calendar! 


What Can I Expect from a Move In Inspection?

First things first – as you start moving in and unpacking, pay attention to things around your apartment! Do all your light switches and appliances work? Does anything appear damaged or need repairs? Take note of any of these instances and save them for your move in inspection. Please note: do not create any maintenance requests until after your inspection. Your inspection is the time to go over all issues with one of our pros. After your inspection is completed, you can then submit any future maintenance requests through your Tenant Portal! 


When your scheduled appointment time starts, one of our friendly maintenance staff members will arrive at your apartment to begin the inspection! Make sure you share all your notes, concerns, and questions at this time – they'll be able to answer those questions and give you timelines for when any repairs can be completed! They will also conduct a thorough walk through with you in case they spot anything you might have missed! Once they leave, they’ll submit all their notes through our system so we can get your apartment in tip top shape! 


What if I Have an Emergency?

While we hope it never happens, we know that emergencies can pop up unexpectedly – do not wait to bring emergency issues up until your inspection. If you are facing an emergency maintenance situation such as a fire, gas leak, flooding, broken lock on your front door, etc, please call our office immediately at 309.888.4600 so we can take care of it ASAP. 


If your emergency occurs after hours, still call the same number and stay on the line until a menu of options is listed. Select “Emergency Maintenance” from this menu. And of course, in cases of emergencies, please call 9-1-1 before contacting the SAMI office. 


At SAMI, we want to make sure your stay with us is easy and seamless! Our initial move in inspections are a great way to help us do that. We’re so glad you’ve chosen SAMI for your home away from home and can’t wait for a great year with you!